Trawling for white gold!


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Trawling for white gold!

The Elliot site bone collection

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I once heard a palaeontologist describe Australia’s dinosaur fossil record as being so poor that “you can find more dinosaurs in a single quarry in North America than you can in the entire continent of Australia.” Another palaeontologist remarked that if you want to study dinosaurs in Australia, buy an airfare and move overseas. As a young budding palaeontologist, I was constantly told that the best place to go to study or discover dinosaurs was; “anywhere but here” (Australia). In fact, even the Queen was astounded to find out that her southern colony of Australia was once home to a menagerie of extinct beasts, which funnily enough included dinosaurs! Sure, we are yet to find a Dinosaur National Monument, or discover bountiful fossil beds similar to those of Mongolia and Canada but is this just simply because we haven’t looked hard enough or in the right

AAOD Journal Issue 3 (2005) – pages 26 to 43 
By Dr Scott Hocknull

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